Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Shantu Shah's April 12, 2006 TVCTV Address to League of Women Voters of Washington County

My Sisters and Brothers of Washington County:

It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself to you. My name is Shantu Shah. Like each of you I have been an Oregon citizen for the last twenty eight (28) years. I am your can do candidate for the Representative in US Congress for District One Oregon. I have met many of you in my door-to-door campaign through the neighborhoods, trails, malls, and the streets.

I would like to express my gratitude to the League of Women Voters of Washington County by making possible this televised interview of candidates so I can converse with many of you, as it is almost impossible to reach in person each and every voter of our District One spreading across four (4) counties of Clatsop, Columbia, Yamhill, Washington, and part of the Multnomah County.

I attended North Carolina State University, School of Engineering in 1970 and received a post baccalaureate degree in Electrical and Telecommunications engineering. I am a Registered Professional Consulting Electrical Engineer and have extensive experience in design, construction, and management of power generation, transmission, distribution for state government utility and emergency telecommunications systems to protect federal buildings in Pennsylvania and Colorado.

I am a Beaverton Leadership Charter Class graduate. A few years ago I received an award as the second fastest growing company within 100 fastest growing companies by the Portland Business Journal of Commerce. I am on the Board of Interfaith Council of Greater Portland. We are planning a Festival of Faith on September 17, 2006 with M.K. Gandhi’s grandson Arun Gandhi as a keynote speaker for the event.

My wife has worked for Reser’s Fine Foods in Beaverton for the last twenty years. My younger son, a graduate engineer from Oregon State University, works for Intel. My older son has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Portland State University works for PAE consulting Engineers in downtown Portland and his wife has a diploma in performing arts from Louis & Clerk College. My family and I have contributed in the US and Oregon economy for several years now. We have hosted exchange students and businessmen from India, Brazil, Austria, England, Africa, Mexico, Japan, and Fiji Islands.

I participated in a trade mission by the City of Beaverton to its sister city Gotemba, Japan, and was the sole representative from Oregon for the U.S. Department of Commerce trade mission to Hong Kong and Singapore. I have extensively traveled to Asia, Europe, New Zeeland, and Fiji Islands for business and Rotary International community service. What distinguishes me from other candidates for US Congress is my international exposure to global trade and my background and experience with the city, state, and federal government. The advanced technology, utility, and industrial, clients like Intel and Willamette Steel Mills are the projects I have managed that have created thousands of jobs for the past three decades.

My brothers and sisters, please allow me to ask each of you “Are we better off today than we were eight (8) years ago?” Certainly I am not better off. Isn’t it a time for an overhaul of the entire U.S. Congress leadership, so you do not have to worry about escalating health care costs and the daily loss of lives and limbs of our sons and daughters in Iraq? It’s time for drastic changes in the status quo of déjà vu warmongers in Congress that are responsible for this economic fiasco.

Ladies and Gentlemen: George Bush’s war has now consumed $270 billion dollars and is rising daily - enough money to hire 4.6 million teachers and provide healthcare for 162 million children. Worse, nearly 2,300 brave American soldiers have lost their lives, another 17,000 have been maimed or wounded, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed.

I have a clean slate. I am against the current political squabbling and the rampant corruption in the three branches of our government. Let’s turn the tables on these rascals with our high voter turnout and revolt against the déjà vu. We can’t remain silent while our livelihood, health, privacy, and our liberty are in jeopardy. We can’t be held slaves at the whims of this elite ruling class of Congress. We will tell them during this May primary with our high voter turnout that voters are not ignorant or as apathetic as déjà vu’s perceive us. And I need your assistance in throwing out the rascals from their corruptive stranglehold over American citizens like you and me. Drastic times call for drastic measures.

I am for what's just plain common sense to the average American. American citizenship is not for sale. I want to stop the infighting in Washington so that the government can do more for you, the common people. It's just common sense. I am for severely cutting, if not eliminating, taxes on the average American by raising taxes on the rich and cutting wasteful government programs.

I am for giving you increased benefits. You should get free healthcare like the members of Congress receive, free education, free food, free room and board — whatever you need, just like in Sweden. I am for cutting the cost of medicine and hospital equipment by opening price competition from other countries which make comparable medicine and hospital equipment.

I am for a strong US economy, education, research, and exports to South Asia. I am going to lower the deficit and stop going to war with far flung countries so that you get a good job and make more money. No more Regime changes please.

I am for the stronger environmental regulations, so that you have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. I am for stronger corporate regulations, so that you don't get your money stolen from swindlers like Enron again. I am for stronger safety regulations so you don't die in a car crash or from some poisonous products. Why didn’t Bush-Cheney go to war on GM/Ford plants for making unsafe cars?

I am for common-sense security. Does it make sense to attack Iraq and then spend billions of dollars rebuilding it? Does it make sense to go to a war against terror when you're far more likely to be killed in a car accident than in a terrorist attack? I will initiate Bush and Cheney impeachment for lying to Congress about weapons of mass destruction and invading Iraq and creating the $9 trillion deficit. And if I have to begin fasting to convince the members of congress I will consider doing so. Bring back real democracy to our red and blue states, while the stubbornly stupid Bush-Cheney teamsters are trying to bring the democracy to lawless Iraq. Risking our sons and daughters, and plunging us into the inconceivable nine trillion dollar debt economic debt is ludicrous; it’s an impeachable crime.

Lastly each of these napping congressmen and women have been caught with their pants down while 11 million 21st century immigrants snuck into the U.S. It’s high time we resolve this intellectually once and for all.

I am not with the tax-and-spend déjà vu liberals or the tax-and-bomb conservatives like the Bush-Cheney White House team. I am frustrated just like you. I want to be your voice in the U.S. Congress. I will do the things that just plain make sense. Instead of hearing news from Washington about whatever little things they've decided to bicker about this week, wouldn't it be great if you could hear about the new things I mentioned earlier like making wise use of your money and saving it for a rainy day?

I am for personal freedom and privacy. Rehab is much cheaper! Imprisonment is a waste of your money! It's time for real change in DC. It's time for the common sense candidates. The déjà vu’s, camouflaged with corrupt corporate and casino cash must be voted out.

We will begin our Voters’ Victory march in May 2006 to Washington, D.C., and experience it in November 2006 to teach a life long lesson to the tax cheaters. David Wu may hide déjà vu behind elite insidiously corrosive corporate curtains, while I, Shantu as your representative, am not going to sit silent to achieve the real and everlasting peace for the people and victory for the voters.

Let’s bring our friends in hordes to cast your votes by mail to oust the status quo for ever. This is not the last time the voters’ revolt has happened since the Boston Tea Party. History repeats itself. Voters’ victory is visible at the end of 2006 tunnel. If you will not drop our vote in the ocean of elections it would be one drop away from our thundering wave of victory. It’s you women and men whose choice counts. I wish my running mates, Good Luck!

My message is very simple:

"Please vote for Shantu Shah as Oregon District One Representative in Congress.

Mail your ballots before Monday, May 15 2006.

To Bring Troops Home.

To stop Corruption in Congress.

To Control skyrocketing Health Care Cost and For Stronger Economy, Higher Education, Cleaner Environment, and Stronger Exports.

Thank you kindly for your vote."

“War is weakness, Peace is Power.” “International understanding is Peace.”

If you need a copy of what I said today please log on to my website:

If you have questions please call me: 503-245-1722. My email address:

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

2006 Primary Election Candidate

Name: Shantu Shah
Race: First District Representative in Congress
Party: Democratic
Opponents: Pavel Goberman, Alexa Lewis, David Wu (D) in May 6, Primary
          Derrick Kitts (R) in General Elections
Residence: Raleigh Hills, Portland, Oregon
Age: 65 
Occupation: Engineering-Construction
Political history: Candidate for Washington Co PUD Commissioner, and Raleigh Water Board
Education: Post Baccalaureate Degree in Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
Family: Wife employed by Reser’s Fine Foods, Two sons employed by PAE Consulting Engineers and Intel, and a daughter-in-law Performing Arts 
Graduate of Lewis & Clark College
Personal information: Rotarian, Social work, KBOO 90.7 FM Host on Environments East/West Sunday, Society for the Performing Arts of India; Interfaith Council of Greater Portland; Past Member of Beaverton Arts Council; India Cultural Association; and Gujarati Samaj of Portland, Past Member of Beaverton Trade Mission to Gotemba, Japan; and US Department of Commerce Trade Mission to Hong Kong and Singapore, (2) Peace Poems writer, Read, write, and speak four (4) languages: Gujarati, Hindi, Sanskrit, and English, Pro se attorney, traveled internationally, interest in bridge playing and basketball games, hosted Beaverton Sister City and Rotary International Group Study, Friendship, and Youth Exchanges, personal home library bridging 3000 years BC Vedic literature to 21st Century biography, “Triumph of Will (Italy Born) Sonya Gandhi” granddaughter-in-law of First P.M. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.  
Last book read: Character Profiles in Presidential Courage, by Chris Wallace (Chapter 4: “Breaking The Bank, Andrew Jackson and the Second National Bank”
1) “Peace is Powerful, War is Weakness” Shantu Shah
2) “Even if you are in a minority of one Truth is still the Truth” M.K. Gandhi
3) “Ocean is just a drop only, if I did not add the drop the ocean would be one drop less” Mother Teresa
4) “One step in front of another will take you anywhere” 98-year young Granny D signed her book after her talk on March 11, at PSU. 
It would be inappropriate for me to comment on the following state legislature questions as Congress does not have control over Oregon legislation. Rather than giving my detailed opinion I would just give my short answer to each as it relates to federal legislation.
Do you support requiring autos sold in Oregon to meet California's tougher clean-air standards? 
Yes, it should at least exceed Federal Standards set for the states.
What specific changes would you make to improve the quality of Oregon's public colleges and universities? 
Higher education is not just the state responsibility but also that of the US Congress to compete with the 21st Century world economies in Asia and Europe.
Would you support an increase in the cigarette tax to pay for health programs?
Health-programs are the equal responsibility of State and Congress.
Where can people contact you (phone number, Web site):
Phone: 503-245-1722, Cell: 503-890-0012, Web:

Monday, March 13, 2006

Leauge of Women Voters of Oregon Candidate Questionnaire, May 2006 Primary Election

Office Sought: U.S. Representative, District One Oregon

  1. Voter’s Guide Information

Contact Information:

Shantu Shah

6637 SW 88th Place

Portland, Oregon 97223

Phone: 503-245-1722

Cell: 503-890-0012


N.C. State University

Post-Baccalaureate Electrical Engineering degree

Professional Engineer

Portland Business Journal Fastest Growing Companies Award

Beaverton Arts Commission

Beaverton Chamber of Commerce Leadership Graduate

Beaverton Rotary Club

Society for the Performing Arts of India

Question 1: What actions would you recommend to support congressional campaign finance reform?

Response: A) Limit two-terms for the members of Congress.

B) Abolish, limit, or distribute equally the corporation campaign contributions to all competing candidates.


C) Independent organizations such as the League of Women Voters and the Chambers of Commerce (funded by the individual voters and Corporations) distribute funds equally for the following:

* Candidates’ campaign advertisements on radio, television, electronic media, phone banks, websites

* Candidates Statements for Voters’ Pamphlets provided by Elections Division and League of Women Voters

Question 2: Should the President have a broader power during wars on terrorism?

What is the role of Congress?

Response: A) President as the Commander-in-Chief has absolute power over the national defense with Congress approval.

B) U.S. Constitution (Article 1 Section 8) provides the role of Congress, primarily the checks and balances on President’s power over the national defense including the global-war on terrorism, as follows:

· Reviews foreign and domestic intelligence evidence.

· Investigates issues involved and approves necessary budget required for each major action.

· Prepares and passes the appropriate legislation required for defense.

Question 3: How can the U.S. Government balance the protection of our natural resources with the need of for economic development?

Response: Interrelationship of:

· Dwindling natural resources

· Eco system

· Philosophy

· Politics and

· Religion shall all be considered in pursuing the goal of sustaining the Earth with the economic development policy that will rebuild what has already been destroyed.” Paula Daniels of Forest Grove agrees with my address on “Natural Resources” to her Lions Club.

The Dalai Lama wrote, “When we talk about environment we have to have a sense of universal responsibility.”

  1. Easy-to-Read Voting Guide Information

  1. Town where I live: Raleigh Hills, Portland

  1. Job/experience: Forty years of experience:

· Community service

· Construction

· Engineering

· Leadership training

· Management of electricity (grid)

  1. Top three things I want to do if I win:

3a. Exports to South Asia: Graphic # 2

· Cheese

· Computers

· Fine foods

· Fruits

· Wines

3b. Research and Development: Graphic # 5

· Biomedical

· Medicines

· Nanotechnology

· Vaccines

3c. Increase: Graphic # 1

· Economy

· Employment

· Guest-workers

· Healthcare

· Higher-Education

· Renewable-energy sources

· Social Security

Monday, March 06, 2006

Candidate's Statement

My Dear Oregonian Friends, Brothers, and Sisters:

As an Oregonian Shantu has participated in community service, trained in leadership, hired and trained Oregon employees, participated in international business delegations since 1978, raised and educated two bright sons through Oregon schools of higher education to become productive engineers like him, helping the Oregon economy as his wife also has.

Vote for “David Wu” is “Deja Wu.” It’s real mess here. Drug addiction, gambling, hunger, and homelessness hover over poor; while the middle-class is stranded by the new economy. America is drowning in debt. Bleeding must stop.

Vote for incumbents corrupted by corporations, casinos, and medical insurers if you want 90% tax-heaven loopholes for the giant corporate shareholders to continue at the expense of Oregonians’ livelihood and expensive healthcare. It would be a social suicide. Vote for honest lawmakers, not the lawbreakers’ best supporting actors. Recall rascals.

Vote for Shantu, if you want the power to transform the world with US-India Partnership for the peaceful coexistence to win the hearts and minds outside America, please vote for Peace. Peace has power, War is weakness.

Vote for Shantu for non-partisan alignment and political partnership between two largest global democracies with corporate cooperation between Oregon and India. Bring long-term benefits to Oregonians with vibrant export-imports, biomedical, nanotechnology, engineering, telecommunications, scientific education, medical research, trade, tourism, and secular multicultural exchange opportunities to enhance economy, social security, employment, clean energy, entertainment, ethics, environment, and Northwest natural resources. Limit gas price to $2.00 per gallon.

Vote for Shantu to connect the democratic dots across the globe with diversity, diligence, and deliverance with bilateral trade if we want to restore America to its gigantic job growth. Export Oregon cheese, chips, computers, shoes, wines, fruits, farm products, and fine foods to 1.5 billion South Asian customers. Let’s simplify taxes. Ensure individual rights to personal privacy, affordable education, and healthcare for each Oregonian.

6637 SW 88th Place

Portland, Oregon 97223

PH: 503-245-1722

Cell: 503-890-0012

Filing deadline passes Tuesday for candidates for county and state offices

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Save an university using 21st Century technology

Kirby Dyess's, Vice President of Oregon State Board of Higher Eduction, proposal for saving higher education by selling or privatizing one of the seven state university branches of Higher Eduction, that include Portland State University, though a only voice on the board is a boldone and deserves discussion to resolve the deficit budget. Mahatma Gandhi once said, " Even if your are in a minority of one truth is still the truth. " It's stunningly surprising the higher education board was stunned with an idea that require an exploratory evaluation to meet the two ends of the higher education expenses.

Higher education is not only the responsibility of the state legislature but also that of the US Congress. President Bush's Year 2006 State of Union mentioned billions of dollars of outlay for science and math education to compete with the Asian countries of India and China. Bush-Singh March 1 summit and bilateral agreement provides the cooperation between US and India in the global strategic alignment in many areas that should include Indian higher education system like the world-class Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) which could provide E (Internet) eduction to the Oregon State universities eliminating the increase in university staff or not replacing the retiring professors in Oregon.

I remember a graduate level electrical engineering video-class mailed out of a Washington State at Pullman, Washington I and seven other colleagues successfully studied three decades ago in 1977 in Boise, Idaho at the premises of our employer Morrison Knudsen International when the Internet was non-existent in the public arena. We must take advantage of the 21st Century technology to revolutionize the education methods to meet the challenges of the new Century as the international borders and education are now seamless and an illusion only.

Shantu Shah

Mumbai Call Center keeps Oregon economy rolling

When America is drowning in huge deficit budget of trillions of dollars no doubt we do not have enough gold coins lying around to pay the salaries of American longshoremen, clerks, and technicians for the day-to-day operations of our East Coast ports managed by our partners on war against terrorism.

These port operators not only hire the Americans for the jobs they are doing around the clock on our shores but also hire the Indians handling our port calls at Mumbai (British called it Bombay) call centers (Oregonian cartoon on Oregonian Page E2 - March 5) in India, America's new global strategic partner and one of the leaders of the world economy for the 21st Century.

These Indian call centers use the latest computers and Internet technology powered by Intel chips that keeps Hillsboro, Oregon prosperous with 17,000 Intel employees and new schools being built or planned in Washington County to pay school teachers to educate their children and grandchildren. Economy is not just a local phenomenon, but the worldwide market conditions which keeps our economy rolling.

Shantu Shah

Fighting Poverty and Social Justice like a pendemic bird flue

Journalist George F. Will's essay on "Evolution of Poverty" (March 5) and previous Senator and Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards' Center on Poverty, Work and Opportunity deserves as much attention as its Center for Civil Rights at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The poverty and the civil rights are not just the issues confronting North Carolina, or deep South but also that of the Pacific Northwest as well as the parts of Africa, Asia and South America. I attended the North Carolina State University in 1969 and the picture of poverty in Down Town Charlotte where I worked for Duke Power Company later was a rude awakening for me.

War on Poverty is not only the matter to be addressed by John Edwards of Two Americas but also is being addressed by the United Nations and the recent anti-poverty bill passed by India where sixty percent population, about six hundred million men. women, and children are poor and uneducated. The moderate living wages and the rise in employment accompanied with the rights to the education, housing, staple food, and health care for all should be the goal of all civilized and the industrial nations and all democratic institutions.

Unless we tackle the poverty and civil rights like the pandemic bird flue it will engulf the humanity.

Shantu Shah

Taxing gas is Greed not Green

Only 12 percent Americans like Thomas Friedman of The New York Times (A National Gas Tax- The Oregonian - March 2) are obsessed and addicted with the idea of extra gasoline taxes to curb its use that will badly impact the checkbooks of millions of workers and seniors who depend upon only transportation means available to them for travel to and from their work places or to the markets.

The gas consumption by the 12 percent very rich who use Humvee and four-wheel drives makes the biggest gas addiction in U.S. that should be curbed by restricting its uses on alternate odd or evendays depending upon the last or first number of the automobile license number. Coalgasification and production of bio fuels are the ways to make it a "Green" and not the tax greed to revolutionize the addiction on foreign fuel.

Gas taxes collected from the middle class and poor would flow into the deep pockets of very rich who have already received large tax cuts thanks to the U.S. Congress. It's a smart way to cheat millions of average Americans. Clever try Friedman, I am glad you are not lawmaker but a journalist who who day dreams of taxes.

Shantu Shah

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Shah registers with Oregon Election Commission to run for Congress

"Shantu Shah, an electrical engineer and resident of Portland, Oregon, has formally registered as a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from District 1. " Please click link below to read the report by Ela Dutt:

Beaverton Sunrise Rotary Club Speaker Shantu Shah

Beaverton Sunrise Rotary Wednesday, March 1, 2006
E Newsletter


"I came to this country 37 years ago because I saw that there was unlimited opportunity here," Shantu Shah, Indian native, successful business entrepreneur, Rotary member and now candidate for political office, told Sunrise Rotarians on Feb. 22.

"I left Bombay on Jan. 26, 1969 bound for John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. I was on my way to North Carolina State University to study electrical engineering as a graduate student. I had left behind my wife and a year-and-a-half old son. It would be one year before I saw them again. I had also left a good job in India to come to America."

"This country has been very good to me and my family and now I want to try to give something back," Shah said of his political activities.

But the entrepreneur spent most of his time talking about his native India and what is happening in that part of the world today.

Shantu Shah

Shah told the Rotarians that multiculturalism had existed in India for centuries. "We have had Muslims living alongside Hindus and Christians in India for many, many centuries. India is a Hindu country," he noted.

Correctly speaking: "India is a secular country" with predominant Hindu population.

(One could say India is a predominantly Hindu. There is a very large population of Muslims - second largest after Indonesia. Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, and Christians are also the citizens of India. )

He extolled the virtues of India's culture. Of the Indian music, he said, "I think if you heard it, you would like it." And he showed examples of India's art and architecture.

"I hope that you will have a chance someday to visit my native country. It is a beautiful country."

Shah said that he is inspired by three great Indian leaders: "Ghandi, Patel and Ghandi. That is, Mahatma Ghandi, Vallabhbhai Patel and Indir Ghandi."

"And in particular, I have been inspired by Kasturba Ghandi, Mahatma Ghandi's wife from whom he learned the method of non-violent confrontation. And it is her grandson, Arun Ghandi and his wife who will be coming to Portland in September to address an Interfaith Festival of Faith. I hope that you can all attend," he suggested. Ghandi is incorrect six (6) times in last two paragraphs. It's spelled as Gandhi.

Shah is an active member of the Beaverton Rotary Club.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bush-Singh Atom-Mango Doctrine

To learn about the US-India bilateral agreement please click below:


Elect Shantu Shah - Representative in US Congress

Bring Troops Home

Curb Corruption
Control Healthcare Cost
Elevate Education,
Economy, Employment

Protect Privacy Rights

Request Individual Campaign Contributions only
6637 SW 88th Place, Portland, OR 97223
PH: 503-245-1722; Cell: 503-890-0012

Monday, February 13, 2006

Global warming require an interfaith initiative

Global warming should be an interfaith initiative, not just "A group of evangelical leaders urging Christians, including president, to confront climate change." (The Oregonian Editorial - February 13).

If President Bush wants to leave his mark on the history he must read the words of the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner, His Holiness The Fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in the Introduction of his book 'My Tibet':

"Our planet is our house, and we must keep it in order and take care of it if we are genuinely concerned about happiness for ourselves, our children, our friends, and other sentient beings who share this great house with us."

President Bush should take urgent action to "keep our house in order", as The Norwegian Nobel Committee in Oslo, Norway on October 5, 1989 said in deciding the Nobel Peace Prize, about The Dali Lama's philosophy "the concept of universal responsibility embracing all mankind as well as nature."

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Hasty suspensions and terminations cost public hefty

Two different arbitrator's opinions within six months for two Portland public officials' decisions leading to the public employees suspension and termination costs public a hefty amount. Arbitrator John R. Baker's opinion on August 23, 2005 related to the termination of Steve Goldschmidt, Executive Director of Human Resources of Portland School District and John C. Truesdale's opinion this week (The Oregonian - January 20 headline) regarding Portland Police Officer Scott McCollister's termination has cost a bundle of public funds paid by the taxpayers in Portland. Haste in both cases made the waste of precious public resources that could have been better utilized in public safety and education.

Our legal and justice system is so corrupted that it benefits at the public expense. Majority of the money in both cases has gone towards the legal and attorney expenses. Arbitrators are not the Gods that their decisions could not be challenged for the farreaching consequences though it's binding according to the arbitration agreements. Shooting victim Kendra James' relatives should certainly challenge the arbitrator McCollister's opinion under the state action doctrine and color of state law , Section 1983 due process clause of Fourteenth Amendment of U.S. Constitution, but it could take another year to get the closer through the justice system stakced against the victimized individuals.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
Ph: 503-245-1722

No to Northwest resource outsourcing

No Northwesterner would disagree with Oregonian closing argument (Editorial - February 10) that, "It (BPA gird) was not built to be a cashcow for the federal treasury." Bush administration marred with outright lying to lawmakers about Iraq and eavesdropping, and pickpocketing the poor ratepayers, seems to be cooking Methampetimine in the White House with the Northwest electricity to pay the rich with millions of dollars of budget tax cuts. Only the persons on meth could have a poor memory of Jack Abramoof invited to Crawford, Texas in the summer of 2003. Where they high on meth in Crawford, Texas rench?

Senators and Representatives of both parties from Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming should unite and tell Mr. Bush simply, "No to BPA grab." It's our fundamental right to use our own natural resources for our benefit only.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722

Castle of multicultralism

Unlike Congressman Tom Tancredo (R- Arizona) (anti) "Immigration campaigner" (Financial Times - February 8), I as a Democrat like his other Republican members of Congress believe that the lawful immigration is the virtue of our country built upon like a "Tower of Babel", a castle of multiculturalism. What Rep. Tancredo doing just to get reelected is simply to divide the Americans into the hyphenated Americans, like the British did to greater India fifty seven years ago by dividing into East and West Pakistan and India based upon religion and cultures creating a greatest migration of people of different ethnicity and massacre.

Thirty seven years ago I was a lawful immigrant student from India followed by my immigrant wife and an immigrant son a year alter and now I as an American who has proudly filed this week candidacy for US Congress from Oregon District One. Lawful or controlled immigration is like the doctor prescribed controlled diet to meet the needs of Intel(s) of America ("Intel chief call for easing curbs" Financial Times- February 8) and the farms of USA. Immigrants are not taking away American jobs, rather they are protecting the economy and jobs within America and not exporting the factories overseas. Immigrants are taking two type of jobs for which either we do not have highly skilled talents, or no American wants to do the farm labor or bottom of the totem pole job.

I would like to suggest Mr. Tancredo to be an American and be proud of our Interfaith and Multiculturalism. The threat to America is not the Immigration, but the imports of autos. giant recreational vehicles Tancredo is using for his campaign, and the finished factory products from China that's making our country a 7.5 trillion dollars debtor. No doubt America is drunk in oil and debt as if there is no tomorrow. Let's be realistic.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722
Cell: 503-890-0012

Land: "Nortwest Natural Resources"

My land is your land and my home is your home. No land is a land without its natural resources that cannot sustain economic life. Without it we will all be like the nomads of Sahara. The federal and the state laws we pass shall make best use of its natural resources for the people who live on that land and thrive upon it.

We shall sustain our laws such that we make the best and the wisest use of our natural resources, such as the electricity generated from the mighty Columbia River by The Bonneville Power Administration System is regulated only for the long-term benefit of the social and cultural values of Northwest for which we have established our societies, cities, townships, homes, and townhouses and not to outsource it to fill the federal treasury, as the latest thinking of White House under consideration.

The industries we maintain and attract on our lands shall be such that it provides not only the economic wages that would support living cost and the arts and entertainment, but also maintain the clean air and water in the rivers and the Pacific Ocean that would safeguard the wildlife and marine life and the echo system of the Northwest so as to maintain healthy lifestyle of our adult citizens and our children and the grandchildren. We have entered a new era in 2006 when we have to select between the jobs and environment, e.g. shipwrecking industry that has embarked us on crossroads of sustaining our economy and reducing the unemployment level by allowing the new industries that will be built at locations and manner in which it's constructed and operated that will not pollute the air and deteriorate the precious marine life.

The advanced technology industry we have built in Oregon as the succession of the timber industry that has provided anew economic thrust and modern lifestyle since 1980s, needs to be strengthened by continually educating our students in science and math, funding our higher education, as well as by adding the shortfall with legal immigration laws by a measured new overseas talent that could be quickly trained and make them productive citizens that would provide additional revenue for the state and federal to maintain our lifestyle, land, lakes, parks, highways, forests, and the ski slopes.

The healthy population of our land not only depends upon the clean environment of the land but also upon how our available medical resources we use carefully in the best interest of the dental and physical hygiene upkeep of all our school children, and their parents and grandparents. We do not want to differentiate between the haves and have-nots when it comes to the basic and critical health care. Our land would be attractive and naturally resourceful to appreciate only if its landholders are happy and healthy. Last but not the least no one shall be deprived of his or her land just to benefi t another private development.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722

Running in the middle

Whether it is a campaign for the governor or for the US Congress it's important to not "throw the red meat(or bones)to the party faithful" (Running left or right - The Oregonian Editorial - February 12), but to have a meaningful middle of the path agenda that's important to all the voters, though the votes any candidate receives in Oregon now in the primary is of the voters registered to either of the two major parties on which the candidate is running.

That's the primary reason in the interest of all voters it's important to get rid of party politics out of the primary elections in Oregon, and select the top two candidates without any party label receiving the highest number of votes in May, who would contest runoff general elections in November.

There should be also a two (2) term limits for Governor, US Representative, and US Senator to get rid of corporate corruption rampant in all branches of our government.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Shantu Shah for U.S. Congress - Vision Statement

Shantu Shah, Candidate for U.S. Congress
as Representative for Oregon District One

Brothers and Sisters of America:

My inspiration comes from three personalities: Gandhi, Patel, and Gandhi, two women and a man, who have shaped the international politics with their vision for change and the triumph of their will, have been the focus of three biographies by three different authors. If you have guessed their names as Mahatma Gandhi, Vallabhbhai Patel, and Indira Gandhi your guess was incorrect. I am talking about: 1) The Untold Story of Kastur, wife of Mahatma Gandhi, authored by their grandson Arun Gandhi (and his wife Sunanda), who would be addressing at my invitation to an Interfaith Festival of Faith this September 17 in Convention Center, Portland, Oregon; 2) Triumph of Will, Sonia Gandhi, Italy-born wife of Rajiv Gandhi, Past Prime Minister of India, written by Yussuf Ansari and; 3) A Vision for Change A.D. Patel and the politics of Fiji by Brij V. Lal.

Why is January 26 important to me and to all Indian Americans? It’s same day in 1969, twenty years after India celebrated its first republic day, I left Mumbai airport leaving behind (for a year) my young wife, and a year-and-half old son, to arrive at New York International airport on a bitter cold blizzard day on my way to Raleigh, North Carolina as an electrical engineering graduate student in North Carolina State University. February 15, 2006 would be our fortieth anniversary. Time and tide waits for none. When I decided to travel to USA thirty-seven years ago it was thinking out of a box from my routine job as a Deputy Engineer in charge of Navasari and Gandevi subdivisions Gujarat Electricity Board job for six years.

I have come to a decision once again thinking out of a box. Now, I have a vision for change not much different from Dr. Martin Luther and Coretta Scott King’s dream who was laid to rest this week, and Rosa Parks riding in a bus on a seat reserved for whites only. Everyone has a dream and aspiration either for a change of own life such as job, business or else.

I have a will for a change in social behavior of rampant corruption in the three branches of the government of my adopted country USA with my candidacy for U.S. Congress, Representative for District 1 Oregon.

During the democratic elections in Canada and Palestine in Jnauary 2006 the incumbents were thrown out of the office by the will of the voters. Hope with the help of average Americans we will be able to throw out the rascals who have been corrupted by the corporate culture, influenced by the cash contributions of millions of dollars, leaving behind the average citizen holding down the empty bag on the back burners.

Heath care, meager social security benefits, medical insurances, education for have-nots, and the small businesses e.g. AAHOA hotels and motels, are all at risk at the enrichment of the well to do and the haves. Haves have been helpful in the economy as much as the have-nots who labor for the economical success of the country. Our factories and offices would not be busy without the haves and have-nots.

The economic and talent cooperation between India and USA for example, the two largest economies of the world, in the production of goods and services is as important as the cooperation between the haves and have-nots of America, as well as those of India.

Every consumer and patient’s personal information and data is very important to be safe guarded from the thieves and from the government invading our privacy via the Google network and data transmission eavesdropping.

I would like to get input of your concerns to my platform to help better living conditions for the average American, including those men and women who have lawfully-immigrated from South Asia and rest of the world to USA (like the early Pioneers) who should also have a equal right to vote, as they are equally taxed left and right like the voting citizens of America.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Shantu Shah
6637 Sw 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722