Sunday, February 12, 2006

Castle of multicultralism

Unlike Congressman Tom Tancredo (R- Arizona) (anti) "Immigration campaigner" (Financial Times - February 8), I as a Democrat like his other Republican members of Congress believe that the lawful immigration is the virtue of our country built upon like a "Tower of Babel", a castle of multiculturalism. What Rep. Tancredo doing just to get reelected is simply to divide the Americans into the hyphenated Americans, like the British did to greater India fifty seven years ago by dividing into East and West Pakistan and India based upon religion and cultures creating a greatest migration of people of different ethnicity and massacre.

Thirty seven years ago I was a lawful immigrant student from India followed by my immigrant wife and an immigrant son a year alter and now I as an American who has proudly filed this week candidacy for US Congress from Oregon District One. Lawful or controlled immigration is like the doctor prescribed controlled diet to meet the needs of Intel(s) of America ("Intel chief call for easing curbs" Financial Times- February 8) and the farms of USA. Immigrants are not taking away American jobs, rather they are protecting the economy and jobs within America and not exporting the factories overseas. Immigrants are taking two type of jobs for which either we do not have highly skilled talents, or no American wants to do the farm labor or bottom of the totem pole job.

I would like to suggest Mr. Tancredo to be an American and be proud of our Interfaith and Multiculturalism. The threat to America is not the Immigration, but the imports of autos. giant recreational vehicles Tancredo is using for his campaign, and the finished factory products from China that's making our country a 7.5 trillion dollars debtor. No doubt America is drunk in oil and debt as if there is no tomorrow. Let's be realistic.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722
Cell: 503-890-0012

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