Sunday, February 12, 2006

No to Northwest resource outsourcing

No Northwesterner would disagree with Oregonian closing argument (Editorial - February 10) that, "It (BPA gird) was not built to be a cashcow for the federal treasury." Bush administration marred with outright lying to lawmakers about Iraq and eavesdropping, and pickpocketing the poor ratepayers, seems to be cooking Methampetimine in the White House with the Northwest electricity to pay the rich with millions of dollars of budget tax cuts. Only the persons on meth could have a poor memory of Jack Abramoof invited to Crawford, Texas in the summer of 2003. Where they high on meth in Crawford, Texas rench?

Senators and Representatives of both parties from Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming should unite and tell Mr. Bush simply, "No to BPA grab." It's our fundamental right to use our own natural resources for our benefit only.

Shantu Shah
6637 SW 88th Place
Portland, Oregon 97223
PH: 503-245-1722

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