Sunday, March 05, 2006

Taxing gas is Greed not Green

Only 12 percent Americans like Thomas Friedman of The New York Times (A National Gas Tax- The Oregonian - March 2) are obsessed and addicted with the idea of extra gasoline taxes to curb its use that will badly impact the checkbooks of millions of workers and seniors who depend upon only transportation means available to them for travel to and from their work places or to the markets.

The gas consumption by the 12 percent very rich who use Humvee and four-wheel drives makes the biggest gas addiction in U.S. that should be curbed by restricting its uses on alternate odd or evendays depending upon the last or first number of the automobile license number. Coalgasification and production of bio fuels are the ways to make it a "Green" and not the tax greed to revolutionize the addiction on foreign fuel.

Gas taxes collected from the middle class and poor would flow into the deep pockets of very rich who have already received large tax cuts thanks to the U.S. Congress. It's a smart way to cheat millions of average Americans. Clever try Friedman, I am glad you are not lawmaker but a journalist who who day dreams of taxes.

Shantu Shah

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